Community Partners
For bookings and enquiries email us or telephone 01509 230629
We are proud to work alongside a diverse range of community organisations.
Working with them to design and deliver community projects to support local people of all ages in skills development, health and well-being, recreation, gardening and the arts.
If you are an individual or someone who represents an organisation who has an idea or would like to work with us we’d love to hear from you!
Loughborough’s oldest parish church serves the communities of Hastings, Storer and Lemyngton and offers a place of worship and welcome to all. The building is home to an inclusive Christian community, part of the Diocese of Leicester. All Saints seeks to be a place where people from all walks of life can connect with a sense of the sacred, explore the Christian faith with depth and intellectual integrity and where love of God is expressed in word and deed. Worship is offered throughout the week with special services offered for those wishing to celebrate their marriage, the birth of a child or to mourn the passing of a loved one.
For more information visit their website: allsaintsloughborough.org.uk
Charnwood Arts is an independent community arts and media organisation. Their work encompasses most art forms including combined arts work and a wide range of approaches from long term community arts projects, performances, outdoor events and publications to web based and video productions, school and community residencies, exhibitions and ongoing groups.
Their core work runs deeper than this and encompasses many roles which stimulate and support local cultural development, working in partnerships with arts organisations, youth and community groups, schools and organisations and encouraging participation in the cultural life of Charnwood borough and the East Midlands.
Charnwood Arts is dedicated to providing access to the arts for and with a diverse range of groups and individuals and actively seeks to connect different cultures and communities through creativity.
Find our more on their website at charnwoodarts.com
We are a strategic partner of Charnwood Borough Council based at Southfields offices in Loughborough.
For more information visit their website: charnwood.gov.uk
The Charnwood Chai project was set up to help combat racism by bringing people from diverse communities together over a cup of tea!
For more information visit their facebook page: CharnwoodChai
Equality Action have been working in Loughborough delivering work and projects to meet the needs of the community. This has included campaigning, lobbying, delivering long and short term projects.
The equality action team give advice and information on welfare benefits, immigration, health, housing. Where we are unable to help we can refer you to partners’ agencies.
Positive Minds is a 5 year project funded by the Big Lottery Fund. The project’s aims are to address issues on mental and physical health, raise awareness and build capacity of women from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority communities. This project is run from Fearon Hall.
Improving Lives is a project to help men from Black & Minority Ethnic backgrounds to improve their health, wellbeing and confidence to become more active in society. The project enables men to be able to deal with family issues, increase their employability skills through ICT and language training and accessing further education. Another aim is to increase their knowledge, awareness on issues of radicalisation and extremism and with their input build community resilience. This is a Big Lottery funded project working with men from South Asian background and runs out of Fearon Hall.
Equality Action & Fearon Hall work closely to bring communities together, to celebrate and share diversity. If you would like to be put in touch with Equality Action speak to a member of the Fearon Hall team or visit their website: equalityaction.org.uk
Rafters Are Ringing are our resident musical maestros who host high quality and eclectic live music events in our Ballroom.
Find out more about them on their facebook page RaftersRinging
The Rectory Wildlife Garden is situated at the back of Fearon Hall. The trustees aim it to be a community resource for promoting wildlife, gardening, sustainable living and positive community interaction at all levels. By reinvigorating the garden, they aim to protect wildlife on site and encourage biodiversity.
One of the trustees is the local scout group leader. They want to involve scout and youth groups, provide training in organic gardening and growing of fruit and vegetables as well as landscaping, water use and conservation, tree management, planting and cultivating.
They hope to become a gardening advice point – providing advice, assistance and support to other growing groups, to encourage the cultivation of food and the importance of fresh produce in the diet.
Above all they aim for the garden to be a welcoming place where people from all walks of life can come to learn about wildlife and gardening in a safe and supportive environment.
Since its foundation over 100 years ago Rotary has worked locally, nationally and internationally on projects large and small.
The first ever project was providing a public toilet in Chicago. Current campaigns range from the End Polio Now vaccination programme to helping provide clean water and sanitation, supporting education projects and equipping people with the tools to start a business to support their families, all around the world.
As well as these international projects Rotary work at local level within our own community and we are delighted to have the support of Loughborough Beacon Rotary Club and Loughborough Jubilee, Beacon’s younger satellite club, who we often call upon to help around the Hall when their enthusiasm and skills are needed. You can find out more about Rotary at local level at Loughborough Beacon Rotary, or the international organisation at www.rotary.org
There are 15 scout groups across Loughborough district, the 1st Loughborough (Parish) Scout Group has met at Fearon Hall since 1900 and still meets to this day on Monday & Tuesday Evenings.
Scouts is all about fun, challenges and adventure and are the UK’s biggest mixed youth organisation. Scouting changes lives by offering 6- to 25-year-olds fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and the chance to help others so that they make a positive impact in communities.
Scouts helps children and young adults reach their full potential. Scouts develop skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. They also help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.
If you would like to be put in touch with the Fearon Hall scout group leaders then speak to staff or see the scouts website: loughboroughscouts.org.uk
The Crop Club reconnects communities through the joy of growing food, encouraging biodiversity and inspiring healthy happy lifestyles. We help homes, businesses and communities experience the joy of growing food with sustainable growing kits designed for small spaces. By working to raise awareness and education we reconnect people with nature and the value of food – contributing positively to the local growing food movement, encouraging biodiversity and more resilience within our communities.
For more information visit their website at: thecropclub.com
Transition Loughborough is a community driven movement aimed at reducing the dependence on fossil fuels and promoting local infrastructure in Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK. If you live in Loughborough and want a say in how the town can respond to the challenges facing all of us, please get involved!
For more information visit their website at: transitionloughborough.com